How to set up a VPN under Windows 10 easily !

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Do you want to connect to a VPN server on Windows 10? Do you want to encrypt your connection and browse anonymously? As you know dear reader, a VPN is primarily used to create a connection tunnel between your computer and remote servers. This allows you to access blocked services in your country for example (Netflix for example). Unlike a Proxy server, which only serves to change the IP address without advanced encryption ...

the VPN allows you to encrypt all connections of all applications used on your machine / device. Windows 10 comes with full support for PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol), which allows it to create a very secure tunnel, we will use PureVPN in this tutorial but you can use any VPN. Anytime I recommend investing in a premium VPN and avoid free VPNs because some use your private data for commercial purposes. In this easy-to-follow tutorial you will see how to add a VPN under Windows 10 without installing anything. Let's go !

Connecting to a VPN Server on Windows 10 Configuring VPN Manually We will now configure the VPN for Windows 10, follow these steps for the manual method, then we will see how to use the software. Click your current connection icon in the taskbar next to the clock and choose "Network & Internet Settings".

You can also use the ms-settings: network-vpn command in Run (Win + R).

In the VPN tab click on ' Add VPN connection ' .

Fill in the following information: VPN provider: Choose Windows (integrated) Name of the connection: Put here any name to memorize the VPN, if you want to use several servers, put the name of the country hosting the server as you find it easily. Name or address of the server: Copy the VPN server you want from this list according to the country and city you want. Virtual Private Network Type: Leave the Automatic type. Login Information Type: Choose Username and Password. Username: Put your username purevpn0sxxxxxxx Password: Paste the password. Then click on "Save".

After that we will connect to the VPN server, you can connect from the Settings window or by the connection icon next to the clock.

The connection is fast, if you can not connect contact the support of your VPN provider (for the case of PureVPN a chat is available 24/24 on the official website).

If you need to change the VPN connection information or specify additional settings, such as proxy settings, choose the VPN connection, and then select Advanced Options. VPN connection using the PureVPN app If you do not want to use the manual connection, there is another way to connect to your VPN server through an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. You can download the application from the official PureVPN website. After the download run the installer. Accept the terms of the license of use by clicking on "I Agree", do not worry you will be able to change the language of display after the installation.

  1. Choose a destination folder and click on "Install" to begin the installation.
  2. Change the language to French and click on "CONNECTION".
  3. Enter the login information (username and password) and then tap Enter
  4. Then choose the type of connection according to your need and the preferred server.
 And now dear reader, you now know how to configure your VPN under the operating system of Microsoft Windows 10. Do not forget to leave a comment if you need help.

At the next tutorial.

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